Resources by Internet
Please note that due to significant changes in Provincial Employment Standards we are in the process of updating our website to reflect current standards.
Note: For free assistance fill out our get help form.
With over 500 entries our directory is one of the most comprehensive list of Canadian employment rights resources on the internet. The list is updated and checked on a regular basis. Should you find a problem or know of a resource that you feel belongs in our directory please
contact us.
Page two of our Directory contains resources related to:
Health and Safety,
Human Rights,
Migrant and Immigrant Workers,
Violence In The Workplace,
Web Search Resources,
Women and Work,
Workers With Disabilities,
Workers Rights,
For resources specific to each Canadian province and jurisdiction visit our Resources by Province page.
Membership for Emerging Media Workers
Any student and/or emerging media worker can become an Associate Member of CWA Canada, the Canadian Media Guild’s parent union.
You could be a student making the transition to the workforce, a worker in transition from one field of work to the media sector, or a media worker trying to re-establish yourself in the Canadian context.
You can sign up for a free associate membership in CWA Canada here.
Health and Safety - Workers Compensation
- Institute for Work & Health Research
The Institute for Work & Health (IWH) is an independent, not-for-profit research organization. The Institute has been described as one of the top five occupational health and safety research centres in the world.
- Workers Health & Safety Centre - Ontario
For more than 25 years, the Workers Health & Safety Centre has supported the efforts of workplace representatives in their pursuit of hazard-free workplaces.
- Workplace Stress Initiative - Manitoba
The Workplace Stress Initiative is a collaborative partnership that promotes healthy workplace practices to reduce workplace stress in Manitoba.
- WSIB - Young Worker Awareness Program - Ontario
This site contains health and safety information for young workers, their parents, teachers, principals, employers and others.
- Environmental and Workplace Health- Canada
Information about environmental and workplace factors affecting human health: air, noise, soil and water pollution, climate change, environmental contaminants, occupational health and safety, and radiation
- Workers Health Centre - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The Alberta Workers' Health Centre is here to help all workers.
- Occupational Health Centre - Manitoba
The MFL Occupational Health Centre (OHC) is a community health centre specializing in workplace health and safety.
- Health and Safety Solutions - Ontario
IAPA is Canada’s largest health and safety organization and has taken a leading role in the prevention of workplace injury and illness, working for improvement in the health and safety performance of our member firms. IAPA is a leading provider of training programs and consulting services, health and safety publications and multimedia educational products.
- - British Columbia
WorkSafeBC - the Workers' Compensation Board of BC - is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of British Columbia.
- Canada's National Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) is a Canadian federal government agency based in Hamilton, Ontario, which serves to support the vision of eliminating all Canadian work-related illnesses and injuries.
- Health,Safety and Workers Compensation - Nfld and Labrador
Serving over 16,000 employers and approximately 12,000 injured workers, the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission is an employer-funded no fault insurance system that promotes safe and healthy workplaces, provides return-to-work programs and fair compensation to injured workers and their dependants.
- WorkSafeNB - New Brunswick
WorkSafeNB is a Crown corporation charged with overseeing the implementation and application of the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Workers’ Compensation Act of New Brunswick, and the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act of New Brunswick, on behalf of the workers and employers of this province.
- Health and Safety - Nova Scotia
The department of Labour and Workforce Development is responsible for delivering effective and efficient regulatory management for the protection of the health and safety of Nova Scotians.
- Introduction to health & safety at work - Ontario
Information for young and new workers in Ontario about coverage under safety laws, worker rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1990, recognizing and reporting unsafe work and protecting themselves from dangers, hazards and injury.
- A Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act - Ontario
The OHSA Guide has been prepared to assist employers, workers, constructors, supervisors, owners, suppliers, and others who have duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act .
- Occupational Health & Safety - Sask
Saskatchewan Labour works with Saskatchewan people to prevent work related injuries and illness.
- CSST - Health and Safety - Workers Comp - Quebec
The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) is the organization to which the Government of Québec has entrusted the administration of the occupational health and safety plan.
- Health and Safety - PEI
Workers Compensation Board of PEI
- WCB - Alberta
The Workers' Compensation Board – Alberta is an independent organization that manages workers' compensation insurance based on legislation.
- WCB Worker Handbook - Alberta
Describes Workers Compensation System in Alberta
- Workers Compensation Act - BC
Current to Feb 10, 2022
- Government Employees Compensation Act - Canada
Department of Justice Canada's Internet site with legislation and regulations
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario (WSIB) - Ontario
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) promotes workplace health and safety, and provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario. There is extensive information on this site about prevention, forms, health issues, return to work programs, and links to other health and safety organizations.
- Public Compensation Coalition - BC - Canada
The Public Compensation Coalition is an organization of working people and their unions, supported by students, injured worker advocates, and the general public, working for restoration of balance and fairness to the workers' compensation system here in British Columbia, and to others across Canada.
- Legislation - New Brunswick
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act
- Workers' Compensation Act - Nova Scotia
An Act to Reform the Law Respecting Compensation for Workers
- Ontario Workplace Tribunals Library - Ontario
The Library of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, Ontario Labour Relations Board, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Pay Equity Hearings Tribunal.
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Act - Ontario
Legislation and regulations for Ontario
- Workers' Compensation Manual from CLEO - Ontario
A Manual for Workers' Advocates
- Office of the Worker Adviser - Ontario
The Office of the Worker Adviser (OWA) is an independent agency of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. The OWA provides free services to non-unionized injured workers and their survivors in workplace insurance matters (formerly called workers' compensation)
- Workers Compensation Act - PEI
Current to Dec 2009
- Workers Compensation Board - PEI
WCB exists to promote safe workplaces and to protect employers and injured workers through a sustainable accident insurance program.
- Workers Compensation Info for Workers - PEI
Guide from Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
- Workers' Compensation Board - Saskatchewan
- Worker Advisor Program - PEI
The Official Website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
- Workers’ Compensation Act, - Sask
An Act to provide for Compensation to Workers for Injuries sustained in the Course of their Employment
- The Worker's Advocate -Sask
The Office of the Worker's Advocate offers free help to workers having problems with their workers compensation claim.
- Association of WCB - Canada
Association of Workers' Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC) is a non-profit organization that facilitates information exchange about Canadian Worker Compensation Boards and Commissions. Site provides information about the services offered.
- Workers' Compensation - Canada
Workplace accidents happen despite best practices and best efforts, and employees need income protection while they are recovering from their injuries.
- WCB- Nova Scotia
Funded entirely by the employers of Nova Scotia, the WCB provides workplace injury insurance for more than 18,000 employers, representing about 300,000 workers across the province.
- WSIAT | Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal - Ontario
Established in 1985, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT) is the final level of appeal to which workers and employers may bring disputes concerning workplace safety and insurance matters in Ontario. WSIAT has always been separate from and independent of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
- Canadian Injured Workers Society
Workers compensation Canada. Workers compensation board issues in Canada. AWCBC, WCAT, WCB, WSIB, WorksafeBC, WHSCC, WCHSB, CSST
- Injuredworkersonline Ontario website for Ontario's injured workers to share news on law reform, support, research, advocacy, training and education on the workers' compensation system
- Canadian Occupational Safety I Canada's resource for workplace health and safety information
Canadian Occupational Safety (COS) magazine is packed with health and safety articles, event listings, industry links and more. Canada's most widely-read health and safety publication.
- Return to Work after Injury - All Provinces
Brief summaries of return to work policies
- WSIB - Ontario
- We administer Ontario’s no-fault workplace insurance for employers and their workers. As part of this system, we provide disability benefits, monitor the quality of health care and assist in early, safe return to work for workers injured on the job or who contract an occupational disease. We are entirely funded by employer premiums.
- WCB Alberta - Workers - Office of the Appeals Advisor
Appeals advisors are specialists in interpreting and applying the Workers’ Compensation Act and WCB-Alberta policies. They can inform you about the review and appeals processes and can act as your representative throughout these processes.
- Links to WCB/Commission Worker Resources | AWCBC
Here's where you can find Worker related information at each of the Workers' Compensation Boards/Commissions across Canada
- Safe & Fair Workplaces - Alberta
It is important that workers are safe at work, and are treated fairly. Safe and fair workplaces follow established standards for employment, and health and safety. They are workplaces where both employers and workers know and follow their rights and responsibilities.
- Occupational Health and Safety Legislation - CSST - Quebec
- Workers' Advocates Workers Compensation - New Brunswick
Government of New Brunswick Services Directory
- OHS-Tool-Kit-Small-Business.pdf - Alberta
Occupational Health and Safety Toolkit
- OHS Code Explanation Guide - Alberta
Occupational Health and Safety Guide for Alberta
- Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
Federal laws of canada
- Appeals Commission - Alberta
The Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers' Compensation will begin publishing their decisions on-line in 2002.
- Nova Scotia Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal
- Worker Advisor Office - WCB - Manitoba
We provide free and confidential services to injured workers and their families who require assistance when dealing with the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of Manitoba.
- Workers Compensation Assessment Manual - British Columbia (pdf)
- Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Law | Brought To You By FMC Law
Dentons Canada LLP understands the high corporate and personal stakes when an employer has an accident or fatality in their workplace.
- Employee Supports | Mental Health Works
Whether approaching your employer or co-workers about a mental health problem, or preparing for a return to work after disability leave, employees will find resources to make themselves, and their workplaces, more mentally healthy.
- Here to Help
We are a group of seven leading mental health and addictions non-profit agencies. Since 2003, we've been working together to help people live well and better prevent and manage mental health and substance use problems.
- CCOHS: Canada's National Centre for Occupational Health and Safety information
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) promotes a safe and healthy working environment by providing occupational health and safety information and advice.
- OHCOW - Ontario
Staffed by an inter-disciplinary team of nurses, hygienists, ergonomists, researchers, client service coordinators and contracted physicians, each OHCOW clinic provides comprehensive occupational health services and information.
- HSO - Health & Safety Ontario
Health & Safety Ontario (HSO) is the result of a bold move to reorganize the independent efforts of 12 health and safety associations into four streamlined organizations to better serve more than 236,000 Ontario businesses.
- Infrastructure Health & Safety Association
The Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA) works with employers and workers in Ontario to eliminate occupational injury and illness. It serves the aggregates, construction, electrical, natural gas, ready-mix concrete, transportation, and utilities industries.
- PSHSA - Ontario
PSHSA is a not-for-profit association created by the amalgamation of three respected health and safety leaders – the Education Safety Association of Ontario (ESAO), the Municipal Health and Safety Association (MHSA) and the Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare (OSACH).
- Workplace Safety North | A Health & Safety Ontario Partner
WSN is an independent not-for-profit health and safety organization, funded by a portion of the premiums our member workplaces pay to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
- Family Services and Labour - Manitoba
The Workplace Safety and Health Branch administers The Workplace Safety and Health Act and its associated regulations dealing with the health and safety of workers in the Province of Manitoba.
- Ministry of Labour, Workers' Advisers Office - British Columbia
This Web site is designed to help workers who are having problems with workers’ compensation claims in British Columbia
- Optimal Performance Consultants - Ergonomics and Disability Management Consulting Services
Optimal Performance Consultants is a national ergonomics and disability management consulting and training firm with consultants across Canada. We are dedicated to improving the health and productivity of our clients human resources and have been successfully helping them to achieve their health and productivity goals since 1991.
Human Rights and Privacy
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
The Canadian Human Rights Commission administers the Canadian Human Rights Act and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Employment Equity Act. Both laws ensure that the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination are followed in all areas of federal jurisdiction.
- Hatfield Duty to Accomodate
Robert Hatfield
- B C Human Rights Code, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 210
- BC Human Rights Tribunal
The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal is an independent, quasi-judicial body created by the B.C. Human Rights Code. The Tribunal is responsible for accepting, screening, mediating and adjudicating human rights complaints.
- Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission
In Alberta, the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act (HRCM Act) protects Albertans from discrimination in certain areas and on certain grounds. The purpose of the HRCM Act is to ensure that all Albertans are offered an equal opportunity to earn a living, find a place to live and enjoy services customarily available to the public without discrimination.
- Alberta Human Rights Act
Current as of October 1, 2021
- The Manitoba Human Rights Commission
The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is the agency responsible for carrying out the provisions of The Human Rights Code. The Commission enforces the anti-discrimination provisions of The Code. It is authorized to mediate and investigate complaints of discrimination, to refer matters to adjudication, to educate the public and promote human rights.
- Manitoba Human Rights Code
- New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission is a provincial government agency. It promotes equality and investigates and tries to settle complaints of discrimination and harassment.
- Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission
The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission is a trusted leader, protector and promoter of human rights. Through sharing its knowledge and engaging Nova Scotians in discussion on human rights issues, the NSHRC is committed to affirming and promoting human rights.
- Human Rights Act Nova Scotia
An Act to Amend the Statute Law Relating to Human Rights
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
Ontario's Human Rights Code, the first in Canada, was enacted in 1962. The Code protects people in Ontario against discrimination in employment, accommodation, goods, services and facilities, and membership in vocational associations and trade unions.
- Human Rights At Work - Ontario
This is the third edition of Human Rights at Work. Since it was first launched in 2000, Human Rights at Work has been seen as an essential tool for employers and all partners in the workplace. This edition includes an expanded section on how to create a workplace that promotes the values of the Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code).
- PEI Human Rights Commission
The Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission administers and enforces the Prince Edward Island Human Rights Act. The Act establishes a complaint process under which the Commission has the authority to receive, investigate, attempt to settle and make rulings on complaints. The Commission also develops programs of public information and education about human rights through seminars, publications, responses to general inquiries and a resource centre. The Commission also advises the government on human rights issues.
- NFLD and Labrador Human Rights Commission
The Human Rights Commission works hard to ensure that the rules in the Human Rights Code are complied with. The Commission also helps the public gain a better understanding of the importance of protecting all people from violations of their human rights.
- Human Rights Quebec
The mission of the Commission is to see that human rights are promoted and respected in Québec. This website provides an overview of the current situation and describes the recourses available to people whose rights have been infringed.
- Human Rights Research and Education Centre - University of Ottawa
Human Rights Research and Education Centre
- CanLII - The Constitution Act, 1982
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- CanLII - Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6
- CanLII - The Human Rights Code, C.C.S.M. c. H175
- CanLII - Human Rights Code, R.S.N.L. 1990, c. H-14
Newfoundland and Labrador
- CanLII - Human Rights Act, S.N.W.T. 2002, c. 18
Northwest Territories
- CanLII - Human Rights Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. H-12
Prince Edward Island
- CanLII - Charter of human rights and freedoms, R.S.Q. c. C-12
- CanLII - Saskatchewan Human Rights Code, S.S. 1979, c. S-24.1
- CanLII - Human Rights Act, R.S.Y. 2002, c. 116
- Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal page
- CanLII - Human Rights Act, S.Nu. 2003, c. 12
- CanLII - Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19
- Human Rights Legal Support Centre - Ontario
Ontario’s Human Rights Legal Support Centre will provide advice and legal help to people who have experienced discrimination under Ontario’s Human Rights Code. The Human Rights Legal Support Centre is an independent agency, publicly funded and accountable to the people of Ontario through the Attorney General.
- BC Human Rights Coalition
If you're looking to file a complaint and need answers to the who, what, how and when to file.
- Monitoring_and_Surveillance.pdf (application/pdf Object)
This paper looks at the way in which new privacy legislation is influencing the way courts and arbitrators are balancing the right of employers to know and manage versus privacy rights employees may have in the workplace.
- IPC - Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner - Ontario
Since January 1, 1988, the IPC has acted independently of government to uphold and promote open government and the protection of personal privacy in Ontario.
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
Welcome to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's Web site. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddart, is an Officer of Parliament who reports directly to the House of Commons and the Senate.
- The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) - Workplace Privacy
The clinic represents consumer and other public interests in such areas as intellectual property, consumer protection in e-commerce, domain name governance, personal information protection and privacy.
- The Privacy Act - Manitoba
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) - Manitoba
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) provides a right of access to records held by public bodies and regulates how public bodies manage personal information. FIPPA also provides an independent review process for people who disagree with access and privacy decisions made by public bodies under the Act.
- Duty to Accommodate - Ontario Human Rights
Policy and guidelines
- Human Rights Act - New Brunswick
- | Labour rights are Human rights
In the past three decades Canadians have seen a serious erosion of a fundamental and universal human right, their right to organize into a union and engage in full and free collective bargaining.
- Brochures, factsheets and guides | Ontario Human Rights Commission
Information from Ontario Human Rights Commission
- The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario |
This web site is your gateway to the HRTO application process. On these pages you will find How To File An Application or a Response using the online SmartForms.
- Policy_and_guidelines_on_disability_and_the_duty_to_accommodate.pdf - Ontario Human Rights Commission
The right to be accommodated and the corresponding duty of the employer and union are now well established in statute and case law. Accommodation is a fundamental and integral part of the right to equal treatment.
- The Human Rights Tribunal - Quebec
This specialized, autonomous and independent judicial Tribunal has as its mandate to hear and decide disputes in the areas of discrimination, harassment, exploitation of the elderly and of handicapped persons, and affirmative action programs, as set out in its constitutive law, the Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.
- Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
The mandate of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is overseeing compliance with both the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling practices of federal government departments and agencies, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law.
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C. | Home
- Workplace Privacy | Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
The workplace presents particular challenges to individual privacy for a number of reasons, including the power imbalance between employer and employee, the increasing technological capabilities of employers to monitor employee activity, and the strong incentives for employers to collect and use employee personal information for employment-related purposes, enhanced productivity, and reduced liability. Throughout these FAQs, we cite key privacy findings from privacy commissioners, courts and labour arbitrators.
Legal Resources
- Koskie Glavin Gordon
Koskie Glavin Gordon provides a full range of legal services to trade unions, pension plans, health and welfare trusts, individuals and groups of workers in both the private and public sector. The lawyers in our firm provide legal advice and representation in a number of practice areas including Labour Relations, Pensions, Workers Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights, Privacy, Class Action and more.
- Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck
“Raven, Cameron, Ballantyne & Yazbeck is an Ottawa based law firm that specializes in employment and labour law and human rights issues with extensive experience representing unions, individuals and organizations. We appear before all levels of Courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as numerous administrative tribunals including arbitrators, labour boards, and human rights tribunals. We also regularly provide educational seminars to our clients and at conferences.”
- Cavalluzzo, Shilton, McIntyre, Cornish LLP
At Cavalluzzo Shilton McIntyre Cornish we provide prompt and clear advice and representation. We work to make complex issues understandable and try to ensure that simple matters stay that way. We always discuss with clients in advance the costs associated with large and small projects. We have an equality based, culturally sensitive perspective.
- CanLII - Canadian Legal Information Institute
CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet.
- LANCASTER HOUSE - Labour Employment and Human Rights Law Publishers
Lancaster House publishes information and hosts conferences in the areas of labour and employment law.
- Your Legal Rights - Ontario
A web site for community workers and advocates. Information to help you help your clients understand and exercise their legal rights.
- Employment & Labour Law - The beginners guide
Sooner or later, employment law creeps into all of our lives, as summer students at Burger King, manager of a shredding company, CEO of Toyota Canada or as owner of the Vancouver Canucks. This article offers an excellent brew of the essentials of employment law in Canada.
- Supreme Court of Canada
The Supreme Court of Canada is Canada's final court of appeal, the last judicial resort for all litigants, whether individuals or governments.
- Access Justice
Provide first-class free legal assistance to all persons who cannot obtain legal aid or afford a lawyer.
- HRinfodesk - Canadian Payroll and Employment Law News
HRinfodesk is your comprehensive online publication and news resource for Canadian payroll and employment law compliance
- Quebec Legal Information
Éducaloi is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inform Quebecers of their rights and obligations by providing quality legal information in everyday language.
- Labour Law - Government of Canada information site
Labour law defines your rights and obligations as workers, union members and employers in the workplace.
- Canadian Employment Law
Articles about labour legislation and related legal updates
- National - Access to Justice Network
The Access to Justice Network (ACJNet) is an electronic community that brings together people, information, and educational resources on justice and legal issues of interest to Canadians.
- The Quebec Law Network
The Quebec Law Network's goal is to provide the general public, companies and other organizations, access to the Quebec legal system.
- Doorey’s Workplace Law Blog
Dr. David Doorey is a Professor of labour and employment law in the School of Human Resource Management at Toronto’s York University.
- Guide to Child Labour Laws - Canada
n Canada, the provinces, the territories and the federal government regulate the employment of children and youths.
- Policy Monitor Canada
Canada Government Affairs Monitoring Service
- clicklaw - BC
This site provides legal information, education and help for British Columbians.
- Department of Justice Canada
The Department provides legal services to government
- Employment & Labour Law
Bosses and employees - night and day. Shed light on your legal rights on what is the 2nd oldest human relationship.
- LexisNexis Canada
Database of case-law
- Canada Law Book : Catalogue - Labour & Employment Law
Canada Law Book, Canada's leading publisher of legal texts and products, has published thousands of books and other legal resource products, many now available on CD-ROM and Internet, for almost 150 years.
- Carswell
Since 1864, Carswell has been providing information tools and resources
- Bora Laskin Law Library - Legal Research for Non Lawyers - Research Guide for Beginners
This guide explains how to conduct legal research in Canada.
- Best Guide to Canadian Legal Research
Ms. Best is a research lawyer with Boughton Law Corporation in Vancouver, British Columbia. She is a frequent writer and presenter on legal research topics.
- Lawyer, Lawyers, Attorney, Attorneys, Law, Legal Information - FindLaw
Find a local lawyer and free legal information at FindLaw, the award-winning website.
- Canadian Law List
The Canadian Law List is a comprehensive directory of law firms, lawyers, judges and government departments in Canada. Law firm profiles, areas of practice, and related services to the legal profession are included in this list.
- Employment Lawyer Network - Canada
The CELN is Canada's only professional organization that is exclusively comprised of lawyers who represent individual employees in cases involving wrongful dismissal, constructive dismissal, discrimination, contractual disputes and all employment-related matters.
- Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) - Ontario
CLEO is a community legal clinic, founded in 1974, that specializes in public legal education.
- Legal Information on Employment Law in Alberta
Designed to help people understand their rights and duties as employees. Information on minimum wage, overtime pay, holiday/vacation pay, procedures and requirements for Employment Insurance, and Worker�s Compensation.
- is a collaborative built website with legal research resources maintained by the site administrators, and legal literature contributed by lawyers in the Canadian legal community
- Lawyers - Find A Lawyer
The best free way to search for and find canadian lawyers. The #1 comprehensive lawyer directory in Canada.
- The Canadian Bar Association
The CBA is the essential ally and advocate of all members of the legal profession; it is the voice for all members of the profession and its primary purpose is to serve its members; it is the premier provider of personal and professional development and support to all members of the legal profession;
- Toronto Employment Lawyer | Labour Lawyer | Wrongful Dismissal
Toronto employment lawyer Daniel A. Lublin, and labour lawyer who practices employment law in Ontario, where he is involved in all aspects of representing both plaintiff and management clients in employment, human rights and labour relations matters, with a particular emphasis on wrongful dismissals.
- The Law Society of Alberta - Lawyer Referral Service
The Lawyer Referral Service is a program operated by the Law Society to assist people in finding a lawyer who will provide them with the legal services they require.
- Yeager Employment Law - Employment Lawyers Vancouver, BC, Canada
Looking for Employment Lawyers in Vancouver, British Columbia? We specialize in everything that has to do with employment law.
- Canadian Law Blogs List
The Canadian Law Blogs List is an open directory with free listings available to any Canadian blogging lawyer, law librarian, marketer, IT professional or paralegal.
- Lawyer Referral Service - BC
The Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is funded by the Law Foundation of British Columbia and operated by the Canadian Bar Association British Columbia Branch. The LRS program enables the public to access lawyers practicing in the field of law required for the particular situation and provides the opportunity to have a consultation with a lawyer for up to 30 minutes for a fee of $25 plus taxes.
- LegalGuideDec2009.pdf - BC
A guide to help non-legal professionals make legal referrals for their clients in British Columbia
- Employment Law Guide - British Columbia
Information on employment law in British Columbia
- LexisNexis® Quicklaw®:
LexisNexis is a leading provider of information and services solutions to professionals in law firms, corporations, government and academic institutions.
- Canada's legal information sources
Our mission is to help you find basic reliable information and web sources for Canada's legal-courts-lawyers services, by province and major cities.
- Articles on Canada, Law, Accountancy, Management Consultancy Issues - Mondaq
Mondaq Business Briefing provides global coverage of all legal analysis from reputable firms, registration is FREE to access the content.
- Labour and Employment Law Blog | Greg Gowe's
Greg Gowe is a lawyer in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Schenk & Associates
Schenk & Associates. Vancouver, British Columbia, law firm dealing in litigation, commercial law, administrative law, employment law and labour law.
- Law Times
Law Times keeps Ontario lawyers at the top of their game by providing timely, pertinent information on case law, professional development, governance issues as well as in-depth coverage and commentary on the issues of the day.
- Employment law | Bakerlaw
Bakerlaw provides legal support and advice for unionized and non-unionized employees alike. We represent employees with issues involving their entitlement to a variety of benefits including Employment Standards Act entitlements.
- Legal Links - Canadian Bar Association
The Canadian Bar Association provides educational and networking opportunities for lawyers, judges, notaries, law teachers, and law students across Canada.
- Wrongful Dismissal & Employment Lawyer Blog | Daniel Lublin
Employment Law Firm specializing in terminations, wrongful dismissals, severance, human rights and employment litigation.
- Toronto Employment Lawyers - Ontario Labour Lawyers - Toronto Dismissal Lawyers - Marvin Gorodensky A. Professional Corporation
Focused on representing the rights of employees, Marvin A. Gorodensky Professional Corporations ("MAGPC's") lawyers, have over 25 years of experience and are committed to ensuring that your rights are protected.
- Ask Questions, Get Answers from Experts ASAP | JustAnswer
Ask questions and get answers from verified Experts online. Get an answer when you ask a lawyer, vet, mechanic, or other Expert on
- LawNet Alberta - Alberta
LawCentral Alberta is a portal or collection of links to law-related information and educational resources on justice and legal issues of interest to Albertans. Our purpose is to create an educated public who understands their rights and responsibilities under the law, and who knows where to go for legal help and referral.
- LawNet Canada - Canada
LawCentral Canada is a portal or collection of links to law-related information and educational resources on justice and legal issues of interest to Canadians. Our purpose is to create an educated public who understands their rights and responsibilities under the law, and who knows where to go for legal help and referral.
- Your Legal Rights - Ontario
A project of CLEO, Your Legal Rights is a website of legal information for people in Ontario. This site has free, practical, and easy-to-find legal information produced by hundreds of organizations across Ontario
- Access to Legal Services - Ontario
- Law Society Referral Service - Ontario
The Law Society Referral Service (LSRS), known for the past 40 years as the Lawyer Referral Service (LRS), has been filling an important community need by connecting lawyers and people looking for assistance with a legal matter.
- Toronto Employment Lawyers | Labour Lawyer | Wrongful Dismissal
Whitten & Lublin is a boutique employment law firm providing expert legal counsel to both employers and employees on all aspects of employment law in the non-unionized environment.
- Lawyer Referral Service l Find Local Lawyers
If you need a lawyer, and want to control the legal fees, here’s your solution. Legal Linkup lets you send your legal requirements instantly to a number of lawyers who then review your requirements and send quotes to complete your work. For lawyers looking to grow their client base, this is an excellent source of new business and a great opportunity to establish lasting client relationships. There isn't an easier or quicker way to build or grow your legal practice.
- Employment and Labour | Brought To You By FMC Law
Ontario based legal firm specializing in employment law
- Welcome to the Wrongful Dismissal Database
This system is designed to provide you with a summary of the fair severance details of the cases most relevant to your situation in a clear and straightforward manner. Results are based on actual court decisions related to cases of wrongful termination. The content of WDD Online was selected from thousands of Canadian court case judgments and continues to be regularly updated by Barry B. Fisher LL.B., listed as one of The Best Lawyers in Canada (2008 and 2009 editions) in the category of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
- Revisiting_Reasonable_Notice.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Information on the issue of Reasonable Notice regarding termination of employment
- Fired in Canada? Laid Off? Calculate your fair severance and empower yourself!
Online tool to help you determine how much notice or severance pay you are entitled to.
- BC Employment Lawyer Blog – By the Employment Law Group at Waterstone Law Group LLP
Written for both employers and employees, this blog is intended to help provide a better understanding of the processes and laws relating to employment relationships in British Columbia.
- British Columbia Employer Advisor | Vancouver Labour & Employment Lawyers | McCarthy Tétrault LLP
This blog provides our views on legislative, regulatory and common law rules and developments that affect employment relations, labour-related business practices and human resources policies in British Columbia.
- Canadian Employment & Pension Law : Employment, Pension & Labor Lawyers & Attorneys: Stikeman Elliott
A leading Canadian business law firm, Stikeman Elliott LLP has 500 lawyers in five offices across Canada as well as in New York, London and Sydney.
- Canadian Labour & Employment Law Blog | Miller Thomson
Miller Thomson Blogs on Ontario Insurance Litigation and Private Client Services
- Labour & Employment Blogs – Canadian Law Blogs List
The Canadian Law Blogs List is an open directory with free listings available to blogging lawyers, law librarians, marketers, IT professionals or paralegals in Canada.
- Legal News | Harris BC
Harris & Company specializes in labour law.
- Canadian Employment Law Today
Since 1987, Canadian Employment Law Today has served as an indispensable tool in keeping executives, managers, business owners, trade unions, HR professionals and law firms up to date on the latest developments in employment law.
- An Introduction to Employment Law | Employment Law | Nova Scotia
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia
- A-Guide-to-a-Successful-Interview-with-a-Lawyer.pdf
This guide will help you prepare for your interview with a lawyer. A little preparation will make your interview successful.
- Intro. to Wrongful Dismissal | Wrongful Resignation | Terminiation of Employment Contract | Cause of Termination | Punitive - Aggravated Damages | B.C. Employment Standards Act | BC Employment Law - Lawyers (Part 1 of 2)
Have you been wrongfully dismissed? Influenced to wrongfully resign? Introduction to Employment contract law by BC lawyer Rose Keith
- Fired in Canada? Laid Off? Calculate your fair severance and empower yourself!
Paradigm Shift Solutions is a company in Vancouver, British Columbia. We bring law to the people by developing web‐enabled legal services. Our mission is to make the law relevant for ordinary people and businesses by lowering its cost, increasing its accessibility, and enhancing its value.
- Kelly Santini LLP’s employment law blog for the suddenly unemployed.
An Ottawa Employment Lawyer's Law Blog for the Suddenly Unemployed
- HR Answers - 2nd Edition.pdf - All Jurisdictions
CCH Canadian Limited Publication
- PLEAC - The Public Legal Education Association of Canada
The Public Legal Education Association of Canada - PLEAC - is a nation-wide, non-profit organization of individuals and organizations established to promote all aspects of public legal education.
- OWTL Ontario Workplace Tribunal Library -| Employment Standards
This OWTL site includes an archive of Employment Standards Appeal Decisions for the years 1971 to 2002.
- Legalline - Canada's Free Legal Resource
Legal Line exists solely to help people make informed decisions. By knowing the law, you have the tools to help you work-through life's real issues.
- The Buchanan Ontario Workplace Law Blog
A general resource for employees and management alike, covering issues old and new in the law of Ontario employment relationships.
- Employment Law: The Beginner's Guide
A tasty brew of essential legal information needed in employment law; all plain language.
- Labour Law Online, Centre for Labour Management Development
Labour Law Online, Centre for Labour Management Development
- Research Guide: Labour Law | Osgoode
- Labour/Employment | Greg Gowe's
- Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers | CALL-ACAMS
THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF LABOUR LAWYERS was created in the late 1980's. Its members are all lawyers who represent the labour movement across Canada.
- LawNow
Community Legal Services and Legal Aid
- Parkdale Community Legal Services - Toronto, Ontario
They cover a wide variety of subject areas, including social assistance, workers' rights, tenants' rights, immigration and refugee claims, mental health law, and domestic violence issues - Parkdale Toronto Ontario
- Our Services: Ottawa Community Legal Services - Ontario
There are four Community Legal Clinics and the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic serving the low income residents living in the amalgamated City of Ottawa. Depending on where you live and what your problem is, you may be referred to a legal clinic serving your area. We are funded by Legal Aid Ontario and are responsible to a local community board of directors or steering committee. We can give you advice if your income is within our guidelines. You may be screened for your financial eligibility even for telephone advice.
- Community Legal Clinic - Simcoe, Haliburton and Kawartha Lakes - Ontario
Community Legal Clinic - Simcoe, Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes is a legal clinic in Ontario that offers client counselling, client representation, public education seminars, law reform and community development.
- Legal Aid Ontario: Contact and Location Info
Community legal clinics provide representation, public legal education, law reform and community development services to low-income individuals and groups within a defined geographical area.
- Legal Clinic - Alberta
The Central Alberta Community Legal Clinic (CACLC) provides legal advice and information to people who cannot afford a lawyer and do not qualify for legal aid.
- Community Advocacy & Legal Centre - Ontario
The Community Advocacy & Legal Centre is a non-profit community legal clinic.
- Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)
CLEO is a community legal clinic, founded in 1974, that specializes in public legal education.
- Community Advocacy & Legal Centre - Ontario
We are a community legal centre providing free legal advice to low income residents of Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox & Addington Counties
- Legal aid - BC
The Legal Services Society (LSS), the organization that provides legal aid in BC. Legal aid includes representation by a lawyer, legal advice, and legal information.
- Legal Services in Saskatchewan
This information sheet provides information and assistance for individuals looking to access legal services in Saskatchewan.
- Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan
The Clinic Program is a series of free legal clinics located throughout the province of Saskatchewan.
- Legal Aid Ontario
LAO's mandate in the Legal Aid Services Act, 1998 is to "promote access to justice throughout Ontario for low-income individuals by means of providing consistently high quality legal aid services in a cost-effective and efficient manner."
- Legal Aid - Newfoundland and Labrador
The department ensures the impartial administration of justice and the protection of the public interest through the dual offices of the Attorney General and Minister of Justice.
- Legal Aid Alberta
Legal Aid Alberta (LAA) provides a range of legal services to low-income Albertans in a number of areas of law including family, criminal, and civil.
- Pro Bono Law of BC
An innovative, collaborative pro bono system advancing access to justice and serving the legal needs of people and non-profit organizations of limited means throughout British Columbia.
- Legal Aid Manitoba
Provides legal help to people with low incomes.
- Legal Aid - Nova Scotia
Legal Aid ensures that help is available at a critical point. It is the type of help that can take an individual or family out of crisis, map a better way forward and put within grasp the means of transformation.
Migrant and Immigrant Workers - Temporary Workers
- Country Guide to Canada - Immigration to Canada
A country guide for visitors students immigrants residents and citizens of Canada providing exhaustive information about Canada, Gateway to Canada & Settlement Services in Canada, Country Guide to Canada & Gateway to Canada, Settlement Services in Canada
- Settlement.Org - Ontario
If you are new to Ontario, Settlement.Org is for you. Find answers to common questions about moving to Ontario and settling into your new home.
- Justicia For Migrant Workers
J4MW strives to promote the rights of migrant farmworkers (participating in the Canadian Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program and the Low Skilled Workers Program) and farmworkers without status.
- Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies
AAISA provides an association by and through which the members can work towards addressing the needs of immigrants, the agencies that serve them and the larger community which welcomes them.
- Justice for Migrant Workers
Justice (justicia in Spanish) for Migrant Workers (J4MW) is a volunteer driven collective committed to organizing with and for migrant farm workers and their families.
- Employment | - BC
Information for Immigrant Workers in BC
- Understand your rights – Temporary foreign workers
Canadian laws protect every worker in Canada. This includes temporary foreign workers like you.
- Alberta Enterprise and Advanced Education - Temporary Foreign Workers
The Temporary Foreign Worker Advisory Office and Temporary Foreign Worker Helpline will help you learn about your rights and find solutions for situations involving unfair, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions.
- OCASI - Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants
OCASI was formed in 1978 to act as a collective voice for immigrant-serving agencies and to coordinate response to shared needs and concerns.
- Work in Canada
Apply to work in Canada, extend a work permit or hire a foreign worker.
- Migrant Workers Alliance for Change
The Migrant Workers Alliance for Change is a coalition of national migrant worker groups, grassroots organizations, unions, faith groups, activists and researchers that have come together to fight for justice and dignity for migrant workers.
- Caregivers' Action Centre
The Caregivers’ Action Centre (CAC) is a grassroots organization of live-in caregivers, former caregivers, newcomers and their supporters. Since 2007, we have been advocating and lobbying for fair employment, immigration status and access to settlement services for live-in caregivers through self-organizing, research and education.
Miscellaneous Resources including Employment Insurance
CIRA is a national network promoting discussion, research and education in the field of work and industrial relations.
- Record of Employment: Deciphering the ROE form
Du Markowitz LLP Labour & Employment Lawyers in Toronto, Canada offer a free consultation to employees who have been dismissed, fired, terminated, or simply want to know their employee rights.
- CRA-Employee or Self-Employed?
It is important to determine whether a worker is an employee or a self-employed individual.
- CLEONet - Independent Contractor or Employee
Information to help determine if you are an employee or independent contractor
- Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits Employment Insurance provides Sickness Benefits to individuals who are unable to work because of sickness, injury, or quarantine.
- Employment Insurance Regular Benefits Employment Insurance provides Regular Benefits to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own (for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs) and are available for and able to work, but can't find a job.
- Wages & Salaries from the Labour Market Information (LMI) - Canada Answer your questions about jobs, skills and the availability of workers in local areas across Canada.
- Employment Insurance - Digest of Benefit Entitlement Principles - Canada
The Digest of Benefit Entitlement Principles includes principles applied by Human Resources Development Canada to render decisions on Employment Insurance claims, in accordance with Employment Insurance legislation.
- Hrcouncil - Canada
The premiere source of information, tools and research related to nonprofit human resources and labour force issues in Canada.
- Employment Insurance Jurisprudence Library - Extended Search
Decisions from 1940 to present 2 employment insurance related decisions -- Search Criteria Help, Search for word variations in: Both Official Languages English French, Significant Decisions - non-departmental selections (independent)
- Serving Appellants - Employment Insurance ( EI ) Appeals
Explanation on the appeal system, let you browse other web pages for information that could help you file your appeal
- Workplace
Workplace delivers breaking news, analysis and in-depth editorial coverage on the changing world of human resources management to human resources and employment professionals
- CanPay Software Inc. - Canadian Payroll Information
CanPay Software Inc. is pleased to offer this quick guide of key payroll information for all Canadian provinces and territories.
- PovNet - All Canada
PovNet provides online tools that facilitate communication, community and access to information around poverty-related issues in British Columbia and Canada.
- 211 Ontario
211 is a three-digit phone number and website that provides information and referral to community and social services in Ontario.
- BC211 - British Columbia
Informational Services
- Canada 211 - Home
Informational Services
- Determining the Employer/Employee Relationship
Help to determine whether or not you should be classified as an employee or independant contractor.
- PovNet - Building an online anti-poverty community
- RC4110 - Employee or Self-Employed? - Canada Revenu Agency
This guide will help you understand how to determine your employment status regarding employee or self-employed.
- | News for the rest of us was built on the efforts of progressive journalists, writers, artists and activists across the country.
- First Reference Talks | News and Discussions on Payroll & Employment Law
News and Discussions on Payroll & Employment Law
- Unemployed Workers Help Centre - Saskatchewan
The Unemployed Workers Help Centre (UWHC) is a non-profit organization providing information and advocacy services on Employment Insurance. Our services are open to everyone in need and no fees are charged for any service.
- Social Security Tribunal including EI Appeals - Service Canada
The SST was created as an independent administrative tribunal that provides efficient, effective and independent appeal processes for Employment Insurance (EI), the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), and Old Age Security (OAS) decisions. It simplifies and streamlines the appeal processes by offering a single point of contact for submitting an appeal.
- is your gateway to Canadian management and workplace resources
Violence In The Workplace
- Understanding Work Abuse
They have been researching, and helping people deal with, work mistreatment for more than twenty-five years.
- OSH Answers: Bullying in the Workplace - Canada
What is workplace bullying? Is bullying a workplace issue? What are examples of bullying?
- OSH Answers: Violence in the Workplace - Canada
What is workplace violence?
- take_care - British Columbia -
Information on implementation of workplace violence prevention program
- Health and Safety Toolkit - Alberta
CFIB worked with WHS to create a kit that will assist small firms in understanding their health and safety obligations, and provide practical tools that can be used by small business owners and workers in complying with the basic elements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation and Code.
- Regulations - Occupational Health and Safety - Violence in the Workplace - Nova Scotia
This page contains the full text of the Violence in the Workplace Regulations filed with the Nova Scotia Registry of Regulations as N.S. Reg. 209/2007.
- Violence Prevention - PEI -
Information on violence prevention in the workplace
- Violence Prevention in the Work Place - Canada
Part XX of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations - Violence Prevention in the Work Place prescribes steps that federally-regulated employers must implement in their work place to protect employees against violence.
- Violence-Harassment at Work - Alberta -
Preventing violence and harassment at the workplace
- Workplace Bullying Institute
To raise awareness of, and create a public dialogue about Workplace Bullying.
- Conflict Help Center
This site emerged out of the need to find high quality resources on various aspects of conflict management and resolution, either at work or in the family. After collecting all kinds of conflict related materials, it was decided to make it all available on the web, free of charge.
- How to fight a workplace bully
Is there someone at your workplace who makes you feel anxious, frustrated or angry? Does that person seem intent on controlling your behavior against your will? Does he belittle, embarrass or even humiliate you?
- Workplace Violence Understanding the law Ontario
This guide explains workplace violence and harassment requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- Workplace Violence News
Workplace Violence News searches for the latest articles and resources on workplace violence, workplace bullying, healthcare violence, school & campus violence and stalking.
- Violence in the Workplace - CCOHS
This service is a comprehensive and easy to search compilation of the full text of Canadian health, safety and environmental legislation and critical guidelines and codes of practice from all jurisdictions. All the legislation is compiled into one convenient location and is regularly updated with amendments highlighted.
Web Search
- infoplease
- Intute
- ODP - Open Directory Project
- Subject Directories
- Ask
- AltaVista
- Canpages
- AlltheWeb
- Yahoo! Canada
- Google Scholar
- Google
- HotBot
- Clusty
- Dogpile
- kartoo4
- Lycos
- WebCrawler Web Search
- Excite
- MetaCrawlerWeb
- Elev8 (learn more about Platelet-rich plasma here)
- Window Contractors Near Me
- Landscaping Companies
- News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Online Library
Free Online Library: Millions of news, trade publications, newspapers, magazine, journal and reference documents on business, communications, entertainment, health, law, government, politics, science and technology from leading publications are available on the Free Online Library.
Women and Work
- Equal Pay Coalition - Ontario
The Equal Pay Coalition was formed in 1976 as a coalition of organizations to seek the implementation of equal pay for work of equal value both through legislation and collective bargaining.
- fafia - Feminist Alliance For International Action - Canada
The Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) is a dynamic coalition of over 75 Canadian women’s equality-seeking and related organizations
- NAWL - National Association of Women and the Law - Canada
The National Association of Women and the Law (NAWL) is a feminist non-profit organization that has worked to promote the equality rights of all women in Canada since 1974.
- Women in Canada - Workplace information
The past several decades have witnessed dramatic growth in the share of women who are part of the paid workforce.
- Pay Equity - Canada
Pay Equity helps achieve fairness in the workplace by ensuring that women and men are paid equal wages for work of equal value.
- ACTEW: A Women's Training Community
Founded in 1987, A Commitment to Training and Employment for Women (ACTEW) is a network of agencies providing community-based employment and training services for women.
- LEAF: Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
LEAF - the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund - is a national charitable organization that works toward ensuring the law guarantees substantive equality for all women in Canada.
- Ontario Womens Justice Network
The Ontario Women's Justice Network (OWJN) promotes an understanding of the law with respect to violence against women, providing accessible legal information to women and their supporters in a manner that reflects the diverse experiences and realities of women.
- Employment Insurance Maternity and Parental Benefits - Service Canada Employment Insurance provides maternity/parental benefits to individuals who are pregnant, have recently given birth, are adopting a child, or are caring for a newborn.
- Pay Equity Commission - Ontario
This website contains information that is related to the mandate and operations of the Pay Equity Office only.
Workers With Disabilities
- LinkUp Employment Services - Canada
Link Up Employment Services for Persons with Disabilities is a charitable, not-for-profit employment services agency with a head office in the heart of Toronto, Ontario, and branch offices in Woodbridge, Ontario, Winnipeg, Manitoba and Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Disability-Related Policy in Canada
This website will represent a unique collaboration between researchers and members of the disability community around Disability-Related Policy in Canada.
- Diversity in the Workplace
10 Ways to Welcome Workers with Disabilities
- Workers with Disabilities - Abilities Canada
This website is an opportunity for people with disabilities and the broader community to engage in dialogue around issues that matter to all of us
- Perspectives on Labour and Income - Disability in the workplace
This quarterly publication brings together and analyzes a wide range of labour and income data
- Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians
To increase awareness of rights and responsibilities, so blind, deaf-blind and partially sighted individuals can have equal access to the benefits and opportunities of society.
- Research Action Alliance on the Consequences of Work Injury - Ontario
Research Action Alliance on the Consequence of Work Injury: Injured workers, community representatives and academics working together for justice
Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) has been working with communities on Accessibility, Community Development Education, Income Security, and Community Social Planning since 1966. We are a non-partisan, charitable organization.
- Practical Guide for Employment Accommodation for People with Disabilities
DAWN (DisAbled Women's Network) Ontario is a feminist cross-disability organization working towards access, equity, & full participation of Women with disAbilities through public education, coalition-building, lobbying, self-advocacy, resource development and information and communication technology.
- Advancing the Inclusion of People with Disabilities (2008)
The Government of Canada is committed to helping make Canada a truly accessible society for all Canadians.
- Abilities Canada
Abilities Canada - Abilities Magazine
- People With Disabilities - Employment - Resources and Publications
The Social Planning and Research Council of BC (SPARC BC) is a non-partisan, charitable organization that was established in 1966. SPARC BC focuses on social justice issues and works together with communities
- InjuredWorkersOnline website for Ontario's injured workers to share news on law reform, support, research, advocacy, training and education on the workers' compensation system
- ARCH - Ontario
ARCH Disability Law Centre is a specialty community legal aid clinic dedicated to defending and advancing the equality rights of people with disabilities in Ontario.
Workers Rights
- Worker's Rights - PovNet -BC - Canada
PovNet provides online tools that facilitate communication, community and access to information around poverty-related issues in British Columbia and Canada.
- International Labour Organization
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the tripartite UN agency that brings together governments, employers and workers of its member states in common action to promote decent work throughout the world.
- Work Rights - Canada
WorkRights gives you a chance to access the latest information on the labour codes to your province, and to compare practices in your region with those of other provinces and territories in Canada.
- Workers' Action Centre - Ontario
The Workers’ Action Centre is a worker-based organization committed to improving the lives and working conditions of workers in low-wage and precarious employment.
- The Calgary Workers' Resources Centre
The Calgary Workers' Resources Centre will work to build the capacity of Calgarians to understand and achieve their benefits and entitlements of employment.
- Unemployed Workers Help Centre - Saskatchewan
The Unemployed Workers Help Centre (UWHC) is a non-profit organization providing information and advocacy services on Employment Insurance. Our services are open to everyone in need and no fees are charged for any service.
- Employer ratings by employees
Who said background checks and Pre-Employment Screenings should be reserved to employers only?
- Wage Earner Protection Program - Canada All Provinces
The Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) compensates eligible workers for unpaid wages, vacation, severance and termination pay they are owed when their employer declares bankruptcy or becomes subject to a receivership under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
- Your Rights - Ontario
Workers' Action Centre Pamphlet summary of rights
- British Columbia - Workers' Rights | PovNet
PovNet provides online tools that facilitate communication, community and access to information around poverty-related issues in British Columbia and Canada.
- ::: IAVGO ::: Industrial Accident Victims' Group of Ontario
IAVGO is a community legal aid clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario since 1975. They serve the injured worker community in Ontario.
- YourRights.pdf - Workers Action Centre - Ontario
The Workers’ Action Centre is a workerbased organization committed to improving the lives and working conditions of people in low-wage and unstable jobs. We fight for all workers to have a voice at work and be treated with dignity and fairness.
- Minimum Wage in Canada by Province
The hourly minimum wage in Canada in each of the provinces and territories.
- Working in Canada - Workplace Standards
In Canada, federal and provincial laws protect workers and Definition of employers. Laws set Definition of minimum wage levels, health and safety standards, and hours of work. Human rights laws protect employees from being treated unfairly because of their sex, age, race, religion, or disability.
- Windsor Workers' Action Centre
The Workers’ Action Centre provides a new way for people to join together to fight for fair employment.
- OEERC — Ontario Employment Education & Resource Centre
Committed to improving public education and awareness on workplace legislation, as well as developing and implementing much-needed supports and strategies for workers who have experienced violations of their rights.
Freelance - Journalism - Media